Is it real alien from outer space?
Maybe we should not care whether the following pictures are real or not. Just consider the information coming up from the mouth of the believers. They do sum up to something interesting -- reality or science-fiction?
The frequently-asked questions:
Who are the aliens?
The alien that believers always refer to is a 4-feet tall humanoid, nicknamed "The Grey", or "The Sectoid". A Sectoid weighed 25-50 pounds, and the body resembled a human baby torso when it was still inside the mother's body. It is characterized by a specially-large head, and a pair of large dark eyes. It has small nose, mouth, and ears. It is basically hairless.
Characteristics of these aliens.
The large eyes are actually artifically-made lens. Disection of the Roswell Sectoids revealed that this type of alien is single-sexed. It may be able to perform photosynthesis to get part of the energy it needs. There are "leaders" among Sectoids who possess psychic powers.
Where do the Sectoids come from?
The Sectoids come from the star system Zeta 2 Retuculi, which is located in the constellation of Reticulum. The constellation can be viewed from earth's southern hemisphere. The Sectoids come from the 4th planet of the system. Moreover, the Zeta Retuculi is a binary star system (think about energy source!).
Their star system is about 34 light years from earth.
How can they come here?
Well, I guess they do not take Greyhound... (smile!) They took something we called 'UFO'. An UFO can be a small craft that travels by GENERATING gravity field around the craft. With the craft's gravity amplification system and a near-100% element-energy conversion reactor, an immense gravity field is generated around the craft, wrapping the origin and destination points in space (think of space as a sheet of paper) very close to each other so that the craft can jump from one point to another. When the craft is near to the target, it has
to turn off the powerful gravity generator, so that the space around the target star is not affected. A less powerful gravity generator is used to fly around earth.
Believers tried to convince others that UFO exists by pointing to some film clips that shows a sudden 180-degree turn during its course of flight. Meteroids do not do that. Our planes cannot do that yet...
Why do the alien corpse shown in TV (Sept 1995) look like a human being?
Reports of human kidnappings and forced-breeding is said. The Rosewell aliens may be originally human fetus, being pulled out of the mothers' bodies befor birth, and genetically modified. This may explain why they are not being searched for after crash (if such thing had occured). They are 'expendables'.
Click and see a wax figure of a Sectoid.
Taken from the August 1995 film footage,
The 4-fingered alien from the March 1996 film footage:
Other UFO-related sites:
Smitty's UFO Page.
Numerous Links to UFO sites.
Alien Information.
Jarmo's UFO links.
On the other hand...
It is wrong not to mention about the words against the belief. For example, the whereabout of the person who first passed the alien video was unknown. This may suggest a hoax(?) because there can be no interview made...
But anyway, it is fun to compile some information I read from some books, TV, and essays. It is also funky.
Last updated: 11/10/1995.
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