Is it real alien from outer space?

Maybe we should not care whether the following pictures are real or not. Just consider the information coming up from the mouth of the believers. They do sum up to something interesting -- reality or science-fiction?

The frequently-asked questions:

Who are the aliens?

Characteristics of these aliens.

Where do the Sectoids come from?

How can they come here?

Why do the alien corpse shown in TV (Sept 1995) look like a human being?

Click and see a wax figure of a Sectoid.

Taken from the August 1995 film footage,

The 4-fingered alien from the March 1996 film footage:

Other UFO-related sites:

Smitty's UFO Page.
Numerous Links to UFO sites.
Alien Information.
Jarmo's UFO links.

On the other hand...

It is wrong not to mention about the words against the belief. For example, the whereabout of the person who first passed the alien video was unknown. This may suggest a hoax(?) because there can be no interview made...
But anyway, it is fun to compile some information I read from some books, TV, and essays. It is also funky.

Last updated: 11/10/1995.

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